Posted in dailys on October 31, 2007 by renewedreflections


…Play Ball…

Posted in dailys on October 31, 2007 by renewedreflections

yes I realize I have not been in here to chat with myself.. so I thought I would take a few minutes to do that today…

My thankfuls : Lets see, I am thankful for the lil blessings that God drops off to me to remind me he is always there.. (i.e snowflakes yesterday just a few but oh so sweet)

My Family…My Hubby and kiddos drive me to distraction but nontheless I am Thankful that they are here for me and I for them.

My Family Far away… for them to take in my sons and let them “visit” for a year and not ask for anything to help in the caring for them is a blessing.I know the boys are loved and safe and are enjoying the whole experience.

I am Thankful today for OPPORTUNITY.. It comes knocking today in the form of Health oportunities.. I am training now…and I now that the hard work will pay off. I am praying that I find the niche I am looking for to showcase my athletic abilities while I still have

Now there we have it… My Thankfuls…

Today is about 7’c for a high and I am sure it shall warm up a bit more than that…Its the 31 of October so little people will be coming to my door this evening.. I made 80 treat bags and we shall hand them out and then..turn off the

I am taking my hands to writing ( okay..typing if you will ) and am currently writing..sheesh fine…Typing an Article on Travelling to Cuba. So far,I am 5 sentences I seriously have a bit of writers blockage…but alas,all things come in time..this too shall eventually find a flow..probably at 3 a.m and most likely on a night when I have to be up early and all day the following day after getting it written..

Time to go and do some cardio.O fun.

Until the next chance I take to write in here.. Au revoir .

Late nights….ramblings to begin with.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags on October 24, 2007 by renewedreflections

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Everyday reminds me of the gift of living.. sunrises bring hope.. but it is the night that I feel most ‘alone’…It brings solitude so blatantly into my world that I cannot ignore it… that realization that eventually.. even sunrises end in darkness… That is when I am also reminded that God is here always … Always listening ,watching and waiting patiently for me to lean in and hear what he has to share with me to bring me to a peaceful slumber during the times I cannot escape the darkness of night…I am Blessed. I am loved eternally and I am strengthened through my Faith in God.

I decided to start a Blog.. Here are my reasons.

  • A place to share the thoughts that are usually taking over my train of thoughts from everyday activity…i.e  daily chores. caring for my family…..showering…lol You get the idea.
  • I enjoy writing.. whether it be about something that may count to me or others perhaps…or be something that is complete rubbish to anyone that may happen upon my rambles of verbage.
  • Simply, It is soothing to the soul. My soul..I enjoy the clarity it brings me and the absolute freedom to share and be possibly even be heard out here.( is that an echo?)

Renewed Reflections is not only a Name to me.. It is a Reminder.. Its a ‘Mantra’

1.  a commonly repeated word or phrase; “she repeated ‘So pleased with how its going’ at intervals like a mantra” 
2.  (Sanskrit) literally a ‘sacred utterance’ in Vedism; one of a collection of orally transmitted poetic hymns  

 if you will for lack of a better expression presently to signify what I want to state.  I am in a Constant state of Self Evolution..( The Butterfly in my logo is a part of my inner Metamorphosis like the chrysalis, I am changing and becoming something so different than I was even moments ago…) I am often being enriched ,cultivated and nurtured,enlightened and becoming more comfortable with who I am and my place on this Earth. Hence the Renewed part.. The Reflection?.. well that is near to being self-explanatory.but it also contains a bit of the narcissistic if you will; in the sense that I am in a constant state of flux with in my own self,and with that reflection comes the realization and rational that I can make changes and grow and learn  and become all I can with each day.. with each Sunrise.( as mentioned above ) that in my daily deeds and doings that I desire to become the best Mother,Wife and Friend I can.. To give thanks and appreciation to the Lord for allowing me this journey that I am so blessed to be able to walk with Him…That I can find Grace in all things and be altruistic and selfless as well as humble and unpretentious in all things .

This Blog.. is a representation of Me.. of who I am.. and who I wish to become as time passes… as life passes.. There are Challenges we are all faced with. Blessings to share…Lessons to learn and so much more to give and receive on levels that can make and break you with every step.

I am 36 years old.. I live in Canada… I grew up in the States..I am American..Most of my childhood was in a few States and by that I mean longer than 2 years in at one New York where I was born.. Hawa’ii for my childhood…California for the early teens and Back to New York for the end of The High School years..In between all that were a few other states but they weren’t long enough to count were they? Then at 18 I had a short stay in The USAF..( I had a serious but non life threatening injury that led to my discharge just before the Gulf war.I got home for Physical Therapy just months before the first bombing of Bahgdad. for this am thankful.. everything happens for a reason doesn’t it) Then I moved to FloridaMy parents had moved there and I was still recovering and it was sunny and warm so..why not . That is where I met my first husband…we were mighty young and mighty silly.. I was married and had my first child in the first 12 months that we met..I quickly had another child and then I was faced with the realization that he was absolutely NOT who I thought he was… He was an idea of what I thought I wanted and wanted him to become… Finding out my spouse was a drug addict was crushing.. I was 3 months pregnant with my second child.. and I moved back in with Mommy and Daddy.. They were and are amazing.. I cannot now nor ever thank them enough for all they did for me and my children…I went to college and grew up… I Loved my family.. the Lord and  raising my children… fast forwarding through time a bit I wrestled mightly with getting a divorce.. my husband and I spoke on the phone and I cried alot and prayed alot and we decided in 1995 that we would try again. so I too my young sons on a plane to Rhode Island to ‘visit’ my husband we stayed a month and at the last few days of that trip I realized it was just not going to work out..I went home to Florida ……… and the best thing that I could have ever parted that relationship  with ,was the blessing of another child. She is 6 and 7 years younger than her brothers..( I named her Dream come true in Gaelic.. for that she is)  8 years ,that is how long it took for me to find the strength to realize that this union was just NOT meant to be.. [sidenote] I have a hard time with “failure” of any kind… and one of a marriage was not to be taken lightly.. not in my eyes or those of God.

Thankfully.. when my daughter was just a baby I met my dearest.. and yes.. We met online.. and in wonderful twist of kismet and Serendipity he lived in a place I had read about in my one of my favourite childhood stories.. Anne of Green Gables.. Prince Edward Island,Canada. within 6 weeks we were moved onto the Island and living as a Blended Canadian Brady Bunch.. he has custody of his 3 children and I of mine.. The children are at the ages currently 22,17,16,15,15,10 and we had the blessing of twins soon after we were married that did not survive thru pregnancy but that I carry within my heart..Elijah and Ellianna..My children of God. I love you eternally.

 I have much to do still..much to accomplish..much to say and see and achieve.

My sight is failing..( I am legally blind in my left eye and I have pressure building behind my retinas as well and my right is detoriorating slowly luckily slowly enough that I manage just fine.. I cannot drive and I cannot always see what I want to when I want to however its blessing and a gift that keeps me humble and thankful on so many levels… and that is something I will sometimes touch on… though I try to not think on it too often.. but I do know I will Rage against the dying of the Light…

 I have dreams and aspirations still .. I hope that I will be gifted the time here to be able to strive towards those … and now with morning soon upon me.. ahh a new sunrise.. a new opportunity to do all I can … I will drift off to slumber because,  the Lord leaned in and let me share with you. Wink…Smiles….Good night ,sweet slumbers…and always …God Bless.